Have more questions?

Can I cancel the subscription anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription anytime, but cancellations apply to full months. In rare cases, if needed, we can offer a refund for half a month, allowing you to cancel partway through a month.

How do I freeze a subscription if we need a break?

To freeze your subscription, simply contact us via email or WhatsApp, and we’ll handle it for you.

How often are payments taken for the subscription?

Payments for the subscription are taken every month on the same day you originally subscribed, ensuring a simple and predictable billing cycle.

For example, if you subscribed on the 10th of the month, your payment will be taken on the 10th of each following month.

Does the subscription include all necessary equipment?

The subscription doesn’t include all necessary equipment. You’ll need to purchase a judo gi (suit) as soon as possible. After 4 weeks of training, we ask you to purchase a judo licence (£24 per year), which includes insurance and allows your child to compete and grade.

What if my child misses a class—can we make it up?

If your child misses a class, don’t worry—you can make it up anytime! We offer BASIC, STANDARD, and PRO subscriptions, covering 4, 8, and 12 classes per month for both single juniors and siblings (2 kids). This flexibility allows you to catch up on missed sessions at your convenience.
See the age groups >

Are there any long-term commitments?

No, there are no long-term commitments. You have full flexibility with our subscriptions and can cancel or adjust them anytime.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my subscription plan later?

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your subscription plan anytime. Just let us know, and we'll take care of the changes for you.